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Why is it important to have a Mindset Management Coach in my corner as a Business
Entrepreneur or Visionary for ministry?
My professional definition of Mindset is your attitude which decides what you see and
how you pursue. Whether you are building a business or leading a ministry ; here is the
fundamental decision that you must make and stick with no matter what if you want to succeed in everything you place your hands to…


“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get an understanding.
Exalt her, and she will promote you;
She will bring you honor when you embrace her.
She will place on your head an ornament of grace;
A crown of glory she will deliver you.”
- Proverbs 4:7-8 NKJV


Simply put- If you are looking to be cutting-edge and work in your witty God-Given purpose you will need to decide to place God’s skillful thoughts as priority in your pursuit. Having access to a Mindset Coach will sharpen your decision-making skills and always remind you of the value in keeping this as your focus in order to dream without the war of limitations created in your head.

Mind Management With Coach Crystal - NJS Creative Designs
Coach Crystal the RBT Practitioner & Mind Management Coach Header NJS Creative Designs
Coach Crystal
The RBT Practitioner &
Mind Management Coach
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Dream without the war of limitations in your mind


Fresh Limitless Thinking

 Brain Fog Will Be A Thing Of The Past  

Time Will Finally Be On Your Side

Goals Will Be Achieved 


Listening Calls:

  • Process communication barriers with information coming in and going out.


  • Prevent emotional responses that can lead to a lifetime of regret.


  • Break you out of limited boundaries created by fearful ideation..


  • Shift your thinking on how you see things and get an outside perspective from a Coach rooting for you.



  • To book Mind Management as a separate service.



  • To add Mind Management to another service.

(Voice or Video Calls)

Included with the Listening Call:

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